Monday, February 7, 2011

January in review

One full month done. Was it easy? Kinda Could I have done better? You bet.

The end of the month had me throwing away 1/4 cup of a starbucks latte. Much to the shock and horror of my auntie. I don't have a problem reheating coffee, but the last syrupy bottom of a latte, I couldn't stomach it. Another reason I don't drink Starbucks.

Other than that nothing hit the trash. Not bad for the month right? I am feeling a bit guilty about those 2010 purchases that have been thrown away. I thought it was time to make use of this bag of nuts that had been in the cupboard forever. Added them to some food before realizing they were rotten. It was probably two years old, but it pained me to put it in the garbage. I also feel bad about the food the girls don't eat. Maybe the baby has a half a banana and decides she doesn't want it. In our house, we go with "I decide what and when they eat, they decide how much and if they eat" I don't make them be a part of the clean plate club, so sometimes that means a half a bowl of food gets tossed. In some cases, I can wrap it up for later, but other times that's just not possible.

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