Friday, December 31, 2010

Laying in out

So why am I setting my sites so high? Well, because I can. I try not to waste food and do a pretty good job of it most of the time, so how can I do better? Zero waste.
Now there are a few rules I have been setting:
1) I am not going to eat the scraps on either of my children or my husbands dinner plates, that is just 20 pounds my butt doesn't need. I will help my kids with serving sensible amounts on their plates.
2) I am not looking to eliminate all food waste. What I mean by this, is my goal is not to compost my banana peels, turn my peanut shells into craft projects or the like. I want to stop throwing out perfectly edible food before it spoils.
3) More rules are allowed at a time when I decide a blanket exception needs to be made. (Because I was sure I had a couple more in mind)

For anyone who knows me, I am the leftover queen. It's crazy to me that people in my family actually refuse to eat day old food. Boggles the mind. This means I already start with a large amount of 'second hand' food to start with and I will have use a small amount of planning to make sure this gets used up. Tonight we are having a New Years Eve party and making a big dinner. I cleaned out the fridge yesterday, but tomorrow morning there will be a fridge full. Challenge on!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An introduction

I decided this New Year's resolution would be something challenging, but purposeful to my life on many levels. I am going to resolve to not throw away food for 365 days. Even more of a challenge is that I am going to attempt to blog about it. I do not consider myself any sort of writer, so stringing together meaningful or well constructed sentances can be painful for me. Creativity is also tough for me, so don't expect clever titles each week drawing you in. Rather that put pressure on myself, I am going to write how I talk and hope that it makes logical sense. On top of that I have two children and own two businesses, so even though I know I don't have time to join the world of blogging, I want to track and record my progress this year.